Hue No. 03
Here I learned opaques work better for these paintings. They provide a more solid color. In the bottom left, the ultramarine violet square is not as solid feeling as the others. Titanium white paint is an opaque and the square next to the pure ultramarine violet one is mixed with a bit of titanium white. That square looks a bit more solid and as the squares get lighter, as more white is added, they feel more solid.
Hue No. 03
Hue No. 01
This abstract painting was inspired by the mobile game I Love Hue. The user moves around different colored tiles to their appropriate place on the spectrum for that level. It is a calm game that I sometimes use to kill time. Improving my color mixing is one of my current goals as well. So a painting like this also gave me an opportunity to practice that.
I also switched from a bristle brush to a synthetic one when I got to the two darkest green tiles. Can you see the difference? The bristle brush gives a more scratchy, painterly feel in my opinion. With the synthetic brush, it feels more like a solid fill of color.
Hue No. 01