8: Orchid

Orchids are highly coveted, fascinating and beautiful flowering plants. These gorgeous blooms come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and can be found in nearly every region of the globe. While they are known for their fragile beauty, orchids are much hardier than people often believe, and with the right care and attention, they can thrive in a variety of environments.

a pencil sketch of an orchid

One of the key things to know about orchids is that they require a different growing environment than many other plants. While traditional soil-based plants are usually happy with just a bit of water and sunlight, orchids require specific types of soil, light, and water to thrive. For example, many orchids prefer a growing medium of sphagnum moss or bark, which allows for good water retention and drainage. Additionally, they generally prefer indirect sunlight, as too much direct sunlight can be harmful to their delicate leaves and blooms.

Another important aspect of caring for orchids is the way they are watered. While most plants are content to be watered once a week or so, orchids usually require more frequent and careful watering. With some varieties, it's important to let the soil dry out a bit between waterings, while others prefer to have their roots constantly damp. Additionally, many orchid experts recommend using filtered water rather than tap water, as the chemicals in tap water can sometimes be harmful to the plants.

Orchids are truly remarkable plants that offer a stunning display of color and beauty. With the right care and attention, they can thrive in a variety of environments and make a wonderful addition to any home or garden.


  1. https://www.aos.org/orchids.aspx

  2. https://www.thespruce.com/basic-indoor-orchid-care-1902822

  3. https://www.orchidweb.com/store/Default.asp

Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.


9: Pothos


7: Fern