Daily UI: 010 Social Share

The prompt for this one seemed really simple to me, just social media buttons? So I took the opportunity to try out other types of backgrounds for the mockup. Practicing my use of the pen tool to draw curves, gradients and opacity, as well as working with colors.

Social Share.png

Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with how the shapes turned out. I added the layer blurs to add more depth and blend the lines to reduce sharp edges that come from just straight drawing vector lines. Played around with combining shapes to cut out that X close button. The X is a cutout as well as a divot in the corner of the card so the background color would show through the button.

Exploring others’ posts for #dailyui010 on dribbble, I saw a lot of people did animations for this challenge. So I’m wondering, what are some good resources for learning animation? Let’s say if you’re a complete beginner? I’ve seen some YouTube videos on Figma’s SmartAnimate, but I’m looking for more of a full-bodied course that teaches a strong foundation in order to build on that to create my own stuff. Any recommendations are much appreciated!

Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.


Daily UI: 009 Music Player

