Oranges Still Life

I love the color palette on this one, in addition to how the little yellow flowers in the pitcher turned out. Recently I’ve been using the same color palette to help add some constraints to my art. Constraints can help with creativity. Sometimes when things are too wide open and nebulous it can be difficult to start a project. I find the constraints can also push me to experiment in different ways since they set guide rails around a certain aspect of the painting.

Still life digital painting of oranges in a bowl with yellow flowers in a vase

Oranges still life

The orange in the lower left corner kind of reminds me of a pumpkin because of the shape. It seems less round, more like the “sections” are defined. Side note: just did a quick search and the sections are called ribs. It’s interesting how little adjustments like that can visually convey different things. If the shape is more circular, it looks more like an orange. If the shape is more oval with ribs, it looks more like a pumpkin.

Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.

Still Life 3


Still Here Still Life # 95