39: String of Pearls

The string of pearls plant (Senecio rowleyanus) is a visually captivating plant that has become increasingly popular in recent times. Its unique appearance of long, slender stems adorned with small, spherical leaves bears a striking resemblance to a string of pearls. Its easy to care for nature and low maintenance requirements make it a perfect plant for beginners. The plant is native to southwest Africa and thrives best when placed in a bright, indirect light and can also tolerate partial shade. It requires well-draining soil and should be watered only when the soil is dry to the touch. The string of pearls plant is not only an attractive addition to any indoor garden or terrarium, but it also acts as an air purifier by filtering out toxins from the air.

sketch of string of pearls plant
Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.


40: Dracaena marginata


38: Bromeliad