4: Monsterra

Monsterra is a large, vining evergreen with large, heart-shaped leaves. The bold, broad leaves are an eye-catching addition to any living space. Native to tropical and subtropical regions, this vining plant can also be trained to go up a trellis or pole to give a space an extra touch of green. Over time, it can grow up to twelve feet tall and produce fragrant, white and yellow flowers. Monsterra is a beautiful and low maintenance plant that can also help purify the air in the home and improve the overall indoor air quality.

a pencil sketch of a monsterra plant

Monsterras are ideal for both novice and experienced gardeners. They prefer bright, indirect light. If the leaves start to yellow, it might be a sign the plant is getting too much light or not enough water. Keep the plant’s soil moist but not soggy, and water the plant thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch. Monsterras also love humidity, so a humidifier can help maintain the ideal level of humidity for the plant.

Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.


5: Rubber Tree


3: Prayer Plant