43: Fava Beans

Fava beans are a type of legume that are commonly used in many different cuisines around the world. These beans have a distinct flavor that many people describe as being earthy and slightly nutty. They are a great source of protein, fiber, and other important nutrients. Fava beans can be eaten on their own as a healthy and filling snack, or they can be incorporated into a variety of different dishes such as salads, soups, stews, and more. In some places, fava beans are even used to make a popular traditional dish known as falafel that is enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you are a fan of simple, healthy snacks or you love trying out new and exotic dishes, fava beans are definitely worth adding to your culinary repertoire.

sketch of fava beans
Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.


44: Beets


42: String Beans