53: Eggplant

Everybody’s favorite emoji. Eggplant, also known aubergine (I’ve seen aubergine more commonly used in Europe), is a versatile vegetable. It has glossy, deep purple skin with smooth and creamy flesh delivering a rich and earthy flavor.

Eggplant can be grilled to perfection, roasted until tender, or sautéed until golden brown, offering a balance of softness and firmness.

In Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, eggplant takes center stage in dishes such as moussaka and baba ganoush, where it effortlessly absorbs the flavors of herbs and spices. Those are two of my favorite ways to eat eggplant!

Beyond its culinary attributes, eggplant is also a rich source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious addition to any meal. So, next time you encounter an eggplant, give it a shot and explore its diverse culinary possibilities and savory taste.

a sketch of an eggplant in pencil
Ella Chiang

Ella Chiang is a digital product designer based in Southern California.


54: Fennel


52: Cucumber